Ernest Hemingway once referred to wine as “one of the most civilized things in the world,” but it’s important to remember that even a “civilized” alcoholic beverage can get you tipsy — or even drunk. Unlike many other types of alcohol, wine has been a part of our society for thousands of years. While some sip on a glass of wine from time to time, others may imbibe a bottle every night. What many people want to know, however, is how much wine does it take for a person to get drunk? It’s time to explore some answers to this eternal question.
Table of Contents
- 1 Look at the Wine Label
- 2 Our Wines Contain More Alcohol Than Our Ancestors’ Did
- 3 Will One Bottle of Wine Get Me Drunk?
- 4 How Fast Are You Drinking?
- 5 Can My Tolerance Increase If I Keep Drinking Wine?
- 6 Does My Medication Affect How Much Wine I Can Have?
- 7 Will I Get Drunk Faster If I Didn’t Eat Dinner?
- 8 Does Our Culture Make Excuses for Drinking Wine to Excess?
- 9 Does Drinking One Bottle of Wine a Day Make You an Alcoholic?
- 10 Have You Been Drinking Too Much Wine?
- 11 Talk to Someone Who Understands What You’re Experiencing
Look at the Wine Label
When you’re trying to determine how much wine will get you drunk — or how to space out your drinks over the course of an evening — you will want to take a look at the wine bottle in question. Labels on wine bottles actually reveal a lot of information; you’ll see what region the grapes originated from, and you should also see a percentage listed. Usually, this will be between 9% and 14% and you’ll notice the letters ABV. This stands for Alcohol By Volume, and it refers to the amount of ethanol alcohol present in this wine. The higher the percentage, the more inebriated you will become.
Our Wines Contain More Alcohol Than Our Ancestors’ Did
Did you know that climate change can affect ABV? With temperatures hitting record highs, the world’s grapes have been fermenting into alcohol at a higher rate. This has been an issue everywhere across the globe. Whether a vineyard is in France or California, chances are that it has had issues with making sure its varietals are balanced. When researchers recently found bottles of champagne in a shipwreck that was almost 200 years old, they noted that the ABV was indeed lower than what we see in bubbly bottles today.
Will One Bottle of Wine Get Me Drunk?
The majority of people will start to feel the effects way before hitting the bottom of a wine bottle. Women will typically begin to feel inebriated after having two glasses of wine while men usually report feeling tipsy or slightly once they’ve had three glasses of wine. When drinking the same amount of alcohol, why do women get drunker than men do? Much of the reason for this has to do with an enzyme, surprisingly enough. It’s called ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase), and it resides in the stomach and liver. Its job is to break down alcohol, and men have more of it than women do. As a result, women have more alcohol entering their bloodstream. Also, a man will often — but not always — be physically larger than a woman he’s drinking with; when someone has a higher body weight, they wield an advantage when it comes to being able to tolerate alcohol.
How Fast Are You Drinking?
There is a reason why you will see some people repeatedly reaching for the water on a night out; they realize that the faster they consume their alcohol, the more likely they are to catch a buzz or even get drunk. When you drink a glass of water in between ordering wine, you take that time to slow down your rate of consumption. This is an area where new drinkers often get into trouble, so it’s crucial to be on the lookout for any signs that you may be getting too tipsy. When it comes to feeling the effects faster than you anticipated, sometimes bubbles can be the culprit. Although this seems like it would be an urban legend, it is actually true. Carbonation encourages your body to absorb the alcohol faster. This is why you’ll see some people claiming to feel immediately buzzed after just a few sips of champagne or prosecco.
Can My Tolerance Increase If I Keep Drinking Wine?
If you make a habit of drinking wine to excess, then your tolerance will definitely increase. Unfortunately, this can become quite a cycle. Many people find themselves in a battle with their better judgment. Suddenly, one to two glasses of wine at night isn’t enough; they need the whole bottle to get to that euphoric state.
Does My Medication Affect How Much Wine I Can Have?
If you are on a medication, it is imperative for you to educate yourself on how that medication interacts with alcohol. Whether you’re taking blood pressure medication or you’re on an SSRI for depression-related symptoms, you will want to have all the facts in order before taking even one sip of wine. Although these medications can impact the wine’s effect on you, there are a plethora of other possible adverse reactions that you need to know about.
Will I Get Drunk Faster If I Didn’t Eat Dinner?
The short answer to this question is yes! If your stomach is empty, then the alcohol you’ve just imbibed will definitely hit your bloodstream faster than it would have if you had eaten a full meal.
Does Our Culture Make Excuses for Drinking Wine to Excess?
Recently, the casual nature of wine culture has made some people in the media question whether or not we have become too comfortable with drinking too much of it. Blogs about “mommy wine culture” have made people wonder if many in our society have been masking their feelings with a wine addiction.
Does Drinking One Bottle of Wine a Day Make You an Alcoholic?
This is a question that has come up a lot in pop culture recently. Brazilian Supermodel Gisele Bündchen, who no longer drinks alcohol, has been very open about the way she feels that wine affects her body. She has admitted to using wine as a crutch when she was in her twenties, drinking a bottle of wine every night. Actor John Stamos has also been reflecting on his wine drinking habits recently, stating in a book that he once drank a whole bottle of wine to cope with the fact that he had just gotten a DUI. Lately, it does seem as if there has been a cultural reckoning when it comes to wine. Some wonder if the articles from the 1990s proclaiming that wine was “healthy” may have set us up for failure.
Have You Been Drinking Too Much Wine?
If you’ve been questioning your relationship with wine recently, rest assured that you are far from the only one. Maybe you’ve been embarrassed by a friend peeking into your recycling bin and spotting so many bottles. Perhaps you’ve become a “regular” at your local wine shop or the clerk at the convenience store is all too familiar with your favorite brand. Whatever the warning signs are, chances are that they are highly personal to you and your situation. And there is no need to feel shame about exploring a change in your relationship with wine. Maybe you’d like more information about how you can get back to being the person who took an entire week to go through a bottle of wine. For some people, it really just is a matter of slowing down.
Talk to Someone Who Understands What You’re Experiencing
Regardless of what your questions about wine dependence may be, chances are that the folks at Garden State Treatment Center have heard them all before. In a world in which a lot of problematic drinking has been normalized, you may feel like you’re the only person feeling a certain way. You are not. Once you speak to a team member, it’s likely that you’ll feel a great sense of relief; getting control of your life often has that effect.
Published on: 2024-01-14
Updated on: 2025-02-07