It might seem like a pretty basic thing – staying away from drugs and alcohol. Especially if drugs and alcohol have played a negative role in your life, and have led to a host of serious personal consequences. Those who haven’t experienced addiction firsthand might think that staying clean and sober is a matter of will power. The truth is, addiction is a chronic, relapsing brain disease, and those that struggle with addiction don’t have the mental capacity to just quit whenever things get unmanageable. The only way to successfully quit is to undergo detox, inpatient treatment, and aftercare while committing to a life of long-term recovery. However, while the process might seem straightforward, the process itself can be quite difficult.
Why is staying away from drugs and alcohol so hard? Below is a list of ten things that might make staying sober difficult, and how to combat these things in order to live the fulfilled, drug and alcohol-free life you deserve.

Staying Sober in Addiction Recovery
- “Poor me.” It will be very difficult to stay sober if you stay wrapped-up in self-pity. Feeling sorry for yourself will only drag you down, and keep you trapped in a negative mindset. Rather than feeling sorry for yourself, consider all the things that you have to be grateful for. Try making a gratitude list every morning, jotting down five things that you have to be thankful for in the day ahead.
- Fear of missing out on social events. Being afraid of missing out on all of the “fun” can make staying sober difficult. This is especially true when you used to attend parties and nights out where drinking and drug use were prevalent. Be honest with yourself – were you really having fun when active in your addiction? Also – who said sobriety can’t be fun? In sobriety, you’ll finally be able to have authentic fun. Put yourself out there!
- Failure to hit rock bottom. For some, hitting a personal rock bottom is important to finding the motivation to get and stay sober. Rock bottoms can look completely different. For example, one person may decide to get clean after getting in trouble with the law one time, while someone might take someone else homelessness, poverty, and complete isolation in order to get clean. Remember that you have the ability to enter into recovery as soon as you begin to feel like enough is enough.
- Thinking about “never again.” The thought “I can never drink again” can be very overwhelming – this is why it’s so important to take things one day at a time.
- You think you’ll be able to moderate eventually. One of the symptoms of addiction is an inability to control or moderate drinking or drug use, no matter how hard you try. Some recovering addicts cling to the belief that someday they will be able to safely use again. This is never the case. Coming to terms with the reality of the situation will help immensely.
- Setting unrealistic goals for yourself. Try not to set unrealistic goals, or succumb to perfectionism. No one “does recovery” perfectly, every once in a while you’ll show up late to a meeting, or forget to call your sponsor, or forget to pray. The important thing is that you get right back on track as soon as you stumble, and continue working on self-forgiveness.
- A lack of adequate resources. Some might struggle to stay sober because they aren’t getting the comprehensive help they need. Take into account all of the resources you might need to utilize for successful recovery – a therapist, a psychologist, a sponsor… don’t be afraid to ask for the help that you need!
Staying sober is hard…initially. Once you find your groove, things will become a lot easier for you. If you have any additional questions or concerns about getting and staying sober, please feel free to reach out to us today! We look forward to speaking with you soon.
Why is staying Sober so difficult?
Published on: 2020-02-09
Updated on: 2025-01-01