Drug Rehab in Newton, New Jersey - Garden State Treatment Center

In 2021, the State of New Jersey reported a total of 87,745 admissions to treatment facilities for individuals struggling with addiction. The same report also shows that Sussex County is one of the highest counties in terms of admissions.

While most admissions come from large cities, small towns like Newton also suffer from drug abuse problems.

If you live in Newton, NJ and you’re looking for information about drug rehab, how it works, and how to seek help, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know.

A Brief Overview of Drug Addiction in Newton, NJ

Drug addiction is a neuropsychological condition that develops due to abusing certain drugs. It results in a compulsive urge to seek and use these drugs to achieve a sense of euphoria and other sensory rewards, ignoring any health risks associated with abusing the drug.

Contrary to popular belief, addiction can affect anyone, as it’s not associated with certain socioeconomic status.

However, certain environmental conditions are marked as risk factors for higher addiction rates, such as high poverty rates and homelessness.

According to Data USA, 13.4% of Newton’s population lives in poverty, which explains why such a small community still struggles with drug addiction.

In fact, an official report by the Government of New Jersey shows that Newton Town is Sussex County’s highest municipality when it comes to drug addiction, with over 226 counts of admissions in 2019 alone.

The report also sheds light on age groups addicted to drugs in Newton. In fact, the report shows that of the 226 cases recorded, around 3% were under 18 years old.

Common Types of Drugs Abused in Newton, NJ

As one of the highest municipalities when it comes to drug addiction, there’s a wide range of abused drugs in Newton Town.

For instance, the previously mentioned report also provides details about the types of drugs abused in Sussex County, which can give us an idea of the drugs abused in Newton Town.

According to the report, the most common addictive substance in Sussex County is heroin, which makes up over 44% of the cases.

Heroin is also one of the most dangerous drugs to be addicted to, as it has deadly effects and requires hospitalization and intensive medical treatment during rehab.

Alcohol addiction comes second after heroin, which also has heavy withdrawal symptoms that usually require intensive treatment and medical supervision.

In addition to heroin and alcohol, other commonly addicted drugs in Newton Town include:

  • Cocaine, also known as “crack”
  • Semisynthetic and synthetic opiates (other than heroin), such as fentanyl, oxycodone, and hydrocodone
  • Marijuana, and other drugs

How Does Drug Rehabilitation Work?

Drug rehabilitation is the first step towards healthy recovery, as it helps individuals with substance abuse overcome their addiction and lead healthy life.

One thing you should know here is that drug rehab is a collective term that describes a variety of treatment techniques, including

  • Systemic approaches using medications)
  • Behavioral treatment using counseling and therapy)
  • Holistic approaches like meditation and acupuncture.

The goal of drug rehabilitation is to enable patients to understand the underlying causes of their condition and to develop reliable methods to control their addictive patterns to avoid relapsing.

Common Treatments Methods Used During Drug Rehab

As previously established, treating addiction involves a variety of methods. Here are some of the most commonly used treatment methods during rehab:

  • Detoxification Programs: These are usually the first step of any treatment plan, which involves the removal of the drug and its effects from the body
  • Inpatient (Residential) Treatment: An intensive treatment that involves full hospitalization of the patient until full recovery
  • Outpatient Treatment: A mild treatment where patients receive treatment from addiction while staying at home.
  • Partial Programs: These are intermediate programs that combine elements of inpatient and outpatient treatments, such as Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHPs) and Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOPs)
  • Sober Living (Halfway) Houses: These are usually run by experienced but non-necessarily licensed staff to provide a transition between residential care and going back to normal life.
  • Counseling and Therapy: One of the most critical forms of treatment and can take many forms (individual, group, family, etc). They help patients identify the root causes of their addiction, heal psychological damage associated with addiction, and develop methods to avoid relapsing.
  • 12-Step Programs: Involves a wide range of self-guided programs that help patients stay committed to treatment after release from rehab centers, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA).
  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment: A special form of treatment that is used for those who suffer from co-existing mental conditions.
  • Holistic Therapies: These target the healing of a person’s soul and mind as well as the body, including meditation, yoga, and acupuncture.

Important Resources and Support Systems in Newton, NJ

Since Newton Town is a relatively small community with a very small population of around 8,400 individuals, there aren’t many local resources and support systems located within the city.

One of the few local resources that you might consider is The Center for Prevention & Counseling, which is located on Spring Street, Newton Town.

 In addition to offering a lot of valuable information about dealing with addiction, the center also hosts a variety of support groups/meetings for addiction recovery.

These include Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Smart Recovery (both virtual and in-person), and other 12-step programs.

Additionally, you can still find a wide range of helpful resources, organizations, rehab centers, and support groups within Sussex County, such as:

You can also refer to Shatterproof Atlas Locator to find the nearest treatment centers to where you live. Check out the official website of Sussex County for more helpful resources and community support.

methadone clinic newton nj

How to Pick a Good Rehab Center

While choosing a proper rehab center for treatment, you should keep various aspects in mind. These include:

  • Evaluating the budget required for treatment in the facility, including aspects like insurance coverage and discounts
  • The success rate and reputation of the facility
  • The accreditation and treatment of the staff
  • Whether the facility allows family involvement in the treatment
  • The facility’s conditions as well as the luxury level based on your budget

Newton’s Community Role in Drug Rehab and Recovery

One of the biggest hardships of battling addiction is loneliness. For that, community support is always critical for addiction treatment success and achieving a long-term stable recovery rate.

Newton’s community can offer support and help to those who suffer from addiction in a variety of methods.

For example, providing proper education and awareness of the dangers of addiction can help many people avoid going down this path, reducing the number of cases in the following years.

Educating the community about the impacts of addiction on individual, familial, and social relationships will also encourage many people to seek early help and reduce the stigma associated with addiction therapy.

Additionally, the community of Newton can make a huge difference by creating more support groups and offering more sophisticated resources to help patients recover.


With that said, our guide about drug rehab in Newton Town comes to an end. We hope that this guide has provided you with all the necessary information to seek help if you or your loved one is struggling with addiction.

Before we go, you should remember that having a personalized treatment plan is one most essential aspects of a successful drug addiction treatment, as it takes all your individual goals and needs into account during treatment.

Additionally, being honest about addiction and drug-use history is also essential for a successful recovery.

Published on: 2023-06-28
Updated on: 2024-06-15