People do not want to go into an inpatient program for substance use for several reasons. For example, some people want to keep using, others are too embarrassed, but you may not want to do it because you don’t want to leave your family or your job. You can have the intensive treatment you need without going into an inpatient program, known as an “evening intensive outpatient program.”

Table of Contents
- 1 What Is IOP?
- 2 How Is Evening IOP Different?
- 3 Working While in Treatment.
- 4 Treatment, Side Effects, Withdrawal.
- 5 Side Effects
- 6 Withdrawal
- 7 What Are the Benefits of the Evening Intensive Outpatient Program?
- 8 What Are the Cons of Evening Intensive Outpatient Programs?
- 9 Is It the Correct Fit for Me?
- 10 How Do You Prepare for Evening IOP?
- 11 FAQ
What Is IOP?
IOP stands for “intensive outpatient program.” An IOP offers you intensive treatment for your substance use disorder and behavioral health care, but you can obtain this treatment without checking into an inpatient program. It typically consists of group or individual therapy plus encouraged participation in a 12-step program, medication management, and education about the person’s condition and its management. It has been designed specifically for you if you cannot commit to a long-term treatment program. Therefore, it is an excellent choice if you can hold on to your job, continue going to school or your daily life
Although you will not live at the treatment center, you will receive the same intensive treatment that you would receive in an inpatient treatment program. It may be the solution you have been looking for since you realized that you are having difficulty with substances.
We can offer you an evening intensive outpatient program at Garden State Treatment Center in New Jersey. This program meets a couple of times a week, where you will be treated with a plan that has been customized to meet your specific needs. You will attend individual and group therapy sessions to learn coping skills and how to manage stress.
How Is Evening IOP Different?
The evening intensive outpatient program is different from intensive outpatient therapy that takes place during the day because it takes place at night. This allows you to go to work, school or take care of your family while you receive intensive treatment for your substance use disorder at night. These programs tend to last between three and six months.
Inpatient treatment programs are known for being highly restrictive, and this may be one reason that you are resisting going into a treatment program. Our evening intensive outpatient program allows you more freedom than you can in the inpatient program. However, outpatient programs cannot provide you with as much support as an inpatient program, so you must be in a very stable place in your substance use disorder journey before deciding to enter the program.
An evening intensive outpatient program may be the right choice for you if you do not need to undergo detoxification and are not experiencing withdrawal symptoms. If you are experiencing a mental health disorder, an evening intensive outpatient program would not be a good option for you. You may be experiencing health conditions that need to be treated. An inpatient program would be better for you if this is the case. Lastly, you must live in a supportive environment. This could mean that you are living with highly supportive family members and family therapy, or you could be in a sober living home.
Working While in Treatment.
According to the National Safety Council, 9% of working adults have substance use disorders, Such as alcohol and drug abuse. So many people are working while having trouble with substance dependency. The law is on your side if you want to get treatment and continue to hold your job. Two federal laws prevent employers from discriminating against you when you need to address your substance use issue. They are the “Family and Medical Leave Act” (FMLA) and the “Americans with Disabilities Act” (ADA).
Because of the ADA, you can rest assured knowing that your job is secure. Your employer will not be able to fire you because you are in an evening intensive outpatient program. The FMLA allows you to take leave for a medical issue if you need to do so.
Treatment, Side Effects, Withdrawal.
We offer the following treatments at Garden State Treatment Center:
Individual Addiction Counseling
You will receive your own therapist and engage in one-on-one counseling sessions with him or her. Individual addiction counseling will benefit you by helping you learn how to stop engaging in your addictive behaviors, avoid relapsing into your substance use, deal with challenges in a healthy way, and discover what caused you to become addicted to substances.
Group Therapy
Group therapy is also integral to the treatment process. The nature of addiction is that it is a disease that causes isolation. Now that you have been through the detoxification process, it is possible for you to connect with your fellow human beings again. Many have stated that this was the most challenging aspect of entering therapy. As time goes by, you and the other group members will become friends, and then each of you will become each other’s support.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of therapy that your individual counselor will use in your treatment sessions. Your counselor will help you keep from falling back into substance use by examining your behaviors, emotions, and thoughts. After learning about what triggers you to use substances and your background, your counselor can create a treatment plan that addresses your specific needs.
Adventure Therapy
Adventure therapy makes use of adventurous experiences to help you heal from your substance use and co-occurring disorder. People wonder if adventure therapy is actually a legitimate form of therapy, but it is a type of psychotherapy. It uses nature and activities as therapy, addressing your spiritual, psychological, physical, and social sides.
Adventure therapy offers you several benefits. For example, you learn to be a better advocate for yourself and well-being, and if your family joins you, it can bring everyone closer together. You also experience identity development and the ability to resist the damaging effects of trauma.
Relapse Prevention Treatment
Substance use disorder is a relapsing disease. This means that the chances of relapse are very high. According to the American Journal of Medicine, people with substance use disorders relapse at a rate between 40% and 60%. Because relapse is this prevalent, relapse prevention treatment is a necessary part of your substance use disorder treatment, and we offer it at Garden State Treatment Center.
Your counselor will draw up a relapse prevention plan for you to avoid relapsing into your substance use again and to help with your recovery process. You are not guaranteed to relapse, but treatment for substance use disorder is not a cure. Substance use disorder is a chronic condition that needs to be treated long-term so that it can be kept under control.
You wouldn’t necessarily experience a relapse after one or two years of sobriety. It could occur after several years have passed, and you are no longer tolerant of the substance. At this point, taking the dose, you ingested in the past would be dangerous because you could overdose. This is the reason that relapse prevention is so important.
Side Effects
Substances also cause short-term side effects that can possibly endanger your health. For example, short-term, physical side effects of methamphetamine use include the following:
- High temperature
- High blood pressure
- Irregular or increased heartbeat
- Fast breathing
- Decrease in appetite
- Hyperactivity
Methamphetamine also has long-term side effects, and they are the following:
- The risk of diseases from sharing needles
- Extreme itching
- Weight loss
- Severe dental issues
These long-term physical effects can lead to long-term health complications.
After you are addicted to your substance of choice, you cannot stop ingesting that substance because it will cause withdrawal symptoms. It will depend on the substance, but you will likely experience emotional, physical, and psychological symptoms. These symptoms may just be uncomfortable, but others can put your life at risk. The following are some of the symptoms that you may experience if you decide not to enter the detox process when you need to do so:
- Dilated pupils
- Seizures
- Paranoia
- Insomnia
- Confusion
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Agitation and Irritability
- Sweating
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite or hunger
- Tremors or trembling
You may experience these withdrawal symptoms for a couple of days or several weeks. If you are likely to have withdrawal symptoms, you would need to enter into a detoxification program before you can begin the evening intensive outpatient program.
What Are the Benefits of the Evening Intensive Outpatient Program?
The main benefit is that you can do what you need during the day and still receive intensive treatment at night. In most cases, evening intensive outpatient programs give you more structure than traditional outpatient programs. The structure is highly important when someone is experiencing a substance use disorder. Another major benefit is the fact that an evening intensive outpatient program can be less expensive than inpatient programs.
The amount of time that you spend away from your job or home responsibilities is of concern to you, but the evening intensive outpatient program is much shorter than the traditional programs. If you have been in a residential program and are looking for your next mode of treatment, you may choose the evening intensive outpatient program.
What Are the Cons of Evening Intensive Outpatient Programs?
There would only be cons of evening intensive outpatient programs if you needed to be in an inpatient treatment center. Evening intensive outpatient treatment is not for you if you need 24-hour care. If you are likely to experience withdrawal symptoms, an outpatient program of any kind wouldn’t be right for you. You would benefit from an inpatient program offering medication-assisted treatment (MAT). This is because withdrawal can be a highly uncomfortable process, but if you are in a treatment center where you can receive medications that will ease your symptoms, this would be a better option for you.
In the event that you have received treatment for your substance use disorder in the past and have relapsed, the evening intensive outpatient program isn’t the best option for you either. You may not be living in an environment where you can receive sufficient support. If this is the case, it is better for you to live in an inpatient treatment facility. Inpatient treatment facilities offer you massive support on a 24-hour basis.
Is It the Correct Fit for Me?
An evening intensive outpatient program will not be the correct fit for you if you are in the middle of very severe substance addiction. If your substance addiction is mild or moderate, it will be the right choice for you or your loved one. This is because you could experience the severe withdrawal symptoms listed above and likely have complications. You would need to be treated in a setting where you can be supervised by medical staff.
Evening intensive outpatient treatment may be right for you if you have reliable transportation to ensure that you attend your meetings every time they are scheduled. This requires that you are highly motivated to attend your sessions and remain in treatment until your program is over. You must also have a low risk of experiencing the withdrawal symptoms above that would cause you to have medical complications.
How Do You Prepare for Evening IOP?
The first thing that you must do is make sure that the Garden State Treatment Center accepts your insurance. We will be happy to verify your insurance coverage for you. You can do this easily on our website, where you will type in your insurance information so that we can check your insurance benefits for free. After you submit the completed form, an admissions specialist will contact you to discuss the assessment. Once we know if you will have any out-of-pocket expenses, we will determine the appropriate treatment for you or your loved one. Then, we will prepare you to be admitted.
Contact us at Garden State Treatment Center today if you are interested in entering our evening intensive outpatient program.
What is Evening IOP?