Intensive Outpatient Program in New Jersey - Garden State Treatment Center

The Magic of Recovery Begins at Garden State Treatment Center IOP

While enrolled in Garden State Treatment Center IOP, clients participate in individual and group therapy sessions, as well as in-depth educational sessions that deal with relapse prevention and emotional sobriety.

Broadly speaking, the goal of our individual therapy sessions is to address the more intimate causes and conditions of a client’s addictive patterns. This can include trauma therapy, self-esteem issues, mindfulness techniques, and cognitive behavioral therapy that addresses an addict or alcoholic’s distorted thinking patterns.

Our group therapy sessions complement the individual sessions perfectly. They provide peer support, relapse prevention techniques, coping skills, and help clients form the healthy bonds that so many of them lack when they come into our treatment programs. Group therapy sessions are also an ideal way to establish the long-term connections that every addict needs for a satisfying recovery.

Taken together, these programs create a recovery foundation that never stops giving health, healing and a feeling of belonging to our clients. Please contact us today to begin navigating the challenging yet wonderful road to recovery.

Drug Recovery

What to Expect at Garden State Treatment Center IOP

Most importantly, our IOP clients receive care that treats the entire person, not just the part of them that has suffered from addiction. The process begins with a detailed assessment of a client’s physical, mental and behavioral health, along with a history of substance abuse. The goal of IOP is to deliver each client the exact set of therapeutic tools that they need in a supportive environment.

Now is the time to find the courage to reach out for help. Taking that first step is not always the easiest, but once you’ve entered the world of recovery, life gets better by the day. Put the misery of addiction and substance abuse behind you once and for all.

The Help You Receive

When addiction treatment is needed at Garden State Treatment Center, we know that sometimes an intensive outpatient program, or IOP, is exactly what you need to get your life back on track. The road to recovery looks different for everyone with addiction, so at Garden State Treatment Center, we offer a personalized, rigorous program that fits your needs while still individualizing treatment to your specific requirements.

Not every addiction requires or can sustain in-patient treatment, so we developed a robust IOP combining supportive, guided treatments with outpatient benefits. Navigating the road to recovery should be personal and intimate, so our IOP program works with you to create a plan to reclaim your life from addiction while still enjoying the comforts of your own home.

Is an Intensive Outpatient Program Right For Me?

Outpatient programs can provide beneficial addiction recovery treatments and therapies for many that struggle with sobriety. Even though all outpatient programs similarly do not require in-patient stays, intensive programs differ from regular outpatient treatment programs in their holistic approach to recovery. In an intensive outpatient recovery program, you can expect to:

  • receive a higher level of care than in a regular outpatient program
  • benefit from a more comprehensive treatment plan
  • experience holistic care that addresses all aspects of your life during recovery
  • participate in therapeutic treatments multiple times a week

Length of IOPs

While some in-patient and regular outpatient treatment programs are defined by a time frame for your recovery, at Garden State Treatment Center, we tailor the program length to meet your needs. Participants in our IOP will participate in therapeutic treatments for the length of time needed to find success on their road to recovery from addiction.

Most patients will participate in therapeutic activities multiple days a week, with the frequency and number of therapies depending on their individualized treatment plan.

Treatment Plan

What To Expect At Garden State Treatment Center?

Since we treat the whole person, not just the part that is struggling with addiction, we start any treatment plan with a thorough evaluation before we create a treatment plan.

Evaluation and Treatment Plan

The first part of any IOP is conducting a complete evaluation of the whole person. We look at all aspects of your life that have been affected by addiction since we treat the whole person in our intensive outpatient program.

We talk about how long addiction has been a part of your life, as well as if your outpatient treatment with us is a continuation of previous residential or outpatient programs. We will discuss what successes and struggles you have had on your road to recovery and how your health, family, and friends have been impacted by addiction.

Our professional intake counselors will develop a comprehensive picture of your emotional, physical, and mental health prior to developing a therapeutic treatment plan customized to your needs.

Personalized Care

No addiction is exactly the same, so our IOPs don’t look identical for every patient, either. We know that creating a personalized care plan is the best way to ensure that an intensive outpatient program will be successful for anyone facing addiction.

Every plan will consider your personal situation, including your job or school commitments, family circumstances, and specific health and mental health concerns along with your addiction and recovery needs.

All patients in treatment with us will participate in a variety of individual and group counseling sessions as well as receive the specific therapeutic treatments required by their own unique journey to sobriety.

Pharmacotherapy and Medication-Assisted Therapies

When appropriate, therapeutic care plans may include medication-assisted treatments. If your treatment plan includes detox from harmful substances, your intensive outpatient program might include medication-assisted therapies.

Pharmacotherapy can be used to inhibit the pleasant benefits of alcohol or drug abuse as well as to create negative consequences from using problematic substances. These types of treatments in an intensive outpatient program will always be provided with appropriate medical oversight and professional support throughout their usage.

Since medications do not change behaviors, the use of pharmacotherapy is simply a component that may be included in a treatment plan when it will best support the patient’s specific situation. With IOP, our team will educate you on proper medication management.

partial care

Types Of Therapies In Our IOP

Substance use disorder is a mental health condition, and mental health treatment is needed in order to overcome this. At Garden Treatment Center, here are the types of therapies you can expect during an Intensive Outpatient Program:

Individual Therapy

These sessions typically address personal topics that may not be appropriate for group discussions. Counselors will work with patients to help uncover and understand the patterns and factors that contribute to their addictions.

Patients will address their cognitive-behavioral patterns with counselors as well as work towards improving self-esteem issues that have contributed to addictive patterns. Individual therapy is also utilized to address other co-occurring mental health disorders caused by addiction. Co-occurring disorders such as anxiety disorder or major depressive disorder.

Group Therapy

Support groups provide you an opportunity to seek support from people who understand you and are on the same journey as you. This supportive setting is used to help participants in an intensive outpatient program develop healthy, long-term sober relationships that will support their ongoing recovery, overall well-being, and how to be functional in life after addiction.

Led by our licensed counselors, group discussions will address relapse prevention techniques to assist in living with sobriety while benefiting from the peer support of others in the program. Group participants also benefit from peer accountability that will aid in sustained sobriety during and after the intensive outpatient program.

12-Step Fellowships

Outpatient programming encourages participation in 12-Step programming during the recovery process and living with sobriety. With their ability to provide long-term accountability and a supportive environment for sober living, these programs are an integral part of sustained sobriety.

Educational Programs

Focused cognitive and behavioral instruction is part of all addiction recovery programs. We offer in-depth educational programs that address emotional sobriety, relapse prevention as well as other skills and behavioral patterns that will benefit those living with sobriety.

Trauma Therapy

For patients with substance use disorders or alcohol dependency, counseling, and support are given when past or ongoing trauma has led to addictive behavior.

Choosing An Iop Instead Of Residential Treatment

At Garden State Treatment Center, we know that those who live locally can benefit from addiction recovery programs that allow patients to live at home and maintain their personal connections and responsibilities while receiving support and therapies. But are there other benefits to utilizing an IOP?

  1. Patients can keep their recovery private if necessary since they are not displaced in a treatment facility during the treatment process.
  2. Comforts and support systems already in place at home are not disrupted during outpatient treatment. As compared to an inpatient program that’s costly and may be uncomfortable for some patients.
  3. Treatment length can be adjusted with little or no interference with daily life or ongoing responsibilities. Since increased treatment times are correlated with higher levels of long-term success, the possibility to easily extend treatment when needed also increases the likelihood of sustained sobriety.
  4. Cost can be less than for residential or other in-patient treatment options.
  5. Family stressors can be addressed as they occur while in the outpatient program. Dealing with problems and triggers as they happen, rather than after re-entry into “real life” from residential or inpatient care, can be more manageable.

Is Intensive Outpatient Treatment Hard?

The road to recovery, free from substance abuse, can be challenging no matter what path you travel to success. All treatment options are difficult in their own ways, but outpatient treatment presents specific challenges that make it beneficial but also unique.

One of the most significant ways that outpatient, intensive addiction treatment is hard is the fact that much of the responsibility for recovery lies with the patient. Many rely on internal motivation to attend sessions, dig deep during individual therapy, and maintain control when leaving the supportive environment of our facility or meetings.

This is critical to their long-term success over addiction. But this client responsibility is also part of what makes outpatient services so appealing for many as well. Our clinicians only use evidence-based practices and therapy.

individual therapy

Recovery in an intensive outpatient treatment program may be hard for those who are living or working closely with others which may create unhealthy situations. Some in the midst of addiction should find a way to separate from those who are influencing their addictive behaviors.

But the physicians, nurses, therapists, counselors, and program coordinators at Garden State Treatment Center will help each patient to work through living with these “real life” situations and help them find successful coping strategies to keep their sobriety on track for the long term.

Outpatient programs can be difficult for those with heavy personal responsibilities and obligations. However, inpatient treatment is hard for those with many responsibilities, too. Intensive outpatient treatment may be easier to manage for patients.

Their daily responsibilities may be maintained or minimized during a program that allows participants to remain in ‘real-life” in many ways while receiving treatment for addictions. Plus, they can be with loved ones where they receive the emotional support they need the most.

Get Started With Our Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program

Are you ready to make a change in your life? An outpatient program with Garden State Treatment Center can help you get your life back on track as you work towards a substance-free life. Contact us now to make a change in your life with our outpatient program that will guide you toward life after addiction.

We offer 24/7 admissions to our programs, and we can get started with you right away. Let us help you find the perfect path to sobriety with Garden State Treatment Center’s program for intensive outpatient recovery.

Why Choose Intensive Outpatient Programs?

Although they usually share similar experiences, every addict and alcoholic is different from one another in significant ways. One reason that some drug and alcohol treatment centers have been less effective than they could have been over the years is that they fail to embody this truth in their programming. The same goes for healthcare facilities that offer an inpatient or partial hospitalization program.

Although similar in scope to our standard outpatient program, IOP offers clients a more holistic and comprehensive experience. It’s designed for clients who need a higher level of care. Typically, these are clients who’ve been through treatment services or detoxification before, or who have experienced chronic relapses.


  • What is considered Intensive Therapy?
  • What is a Supportive Outpatient Program (SOP)?

Published on: 2019-05-12
Updated on: 2024-12-22