Can You Successfully Cheat on a Drug Test? - Garden State Treatment

For as long as drug tests have been around, people have also been doing their part to cheat the system and weasel their way out of having positive drug test results. It always seems like once one cheating method has been prevented, those trying to cheat their way through come up with some new method of deception.

In all honesty, it is possible to successfully cheat on a drug test or at least attempt to, but at some point, your method will fail you, and your cheating ways will get caught. The most commonly attempted drug test people will try to cheat on is a urine sample drug test.

Drug Test

Ways People Try to Cheat During Urine Screens

  1. Adulterants – This method involves adding something to a urine sample after leaving the body and is in the container. Generally, people will smuggle some form of liquid into the testing area. The things people add to the urine test vary and include a wide range of things, including anything from dish soap to eye drops. Adulterants are added to the sample as a way to interfere with the drug testing process and results.

This method is often shut down because collectors can ask you to empty your pockets before the drug test begins. A lab can also administer further testing to tell if a urine sample has been tampered with.

  1. Substitution – One of the most common ways someone will try to cheat a drug test is to bring in “clean urine” with them. Some people may ask a trusted family member or friend to give them clean urine to pass the test. Other people will flock to the Internet, where they will buy synthetic urine. Synthetic urine is just a liquid with the right pH, a specific gravity, and the right amount of creatine needed to fool a drug test successfully.

The temperature of the sample is an important indicator that it is not the person’s actual sample. Urine needs to be within 90-100 degrees to work, so faking it isn’t easy. Drug test collectors can also tell by listening to you whether the sample was provided naturally or not.

  1. Dilution – Many people trying to cheat on a drug test will do their best to flush any evidence of drugs out of their system beforehand by drinking massive amounts of water or other liquids. There are even additives on the market that can enhance this flushing method. However, the way this method is sniffed out is by administering a second drug test later.

What Are the Different Kinds of Drug Tests?

While urine sample drug tests are the most common drug test administered and cheated, it is not the only kind. There are six different kinds of drug tests available. Some tests must be analyzed in a lab, while others can show nearly instant results. Apart from urine tests, there are also:

Blood Tests: Blood tests are the most accurate form of testing, but they are also the most invasive and must be sent to a lab to be analyzed. They can detect alcohol use for up to 24 hours beforehand and cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, and marijuana.

Saliva Based Tests: This kind of test provides fast results for recent drug use. It is done with a mouth swab or by spitting in a cup and shows drug or alcohol use within the past few days, depending on the drug.

Hair Follicle Tests: This test does not show the most recent drug use, but shows use from 4 days up to 90 before the test. It can test for marijuana, cocaine, opiates, methamphetamines, and PCP.

Breathalyzer Tests: This is used to check for alcohol and is often used by police to test for driving while intoxicated, but anyone can have one.

Perspiration Tests: While this is a newer form of drug testing, it is often used to watch over those who are in recovery from drugs or are on probation. It screens for drugs through a patch that is put on the skin and left for 14 days. It collects sweat and can detect marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, LSD, and opiates.

Get the Help You Need for Substance Use Disorders

If you or a loved one have an addiction to any drug or alcohol it is time to reach out to get help. Garden State Treatment Center has addiction specialists available around the clock, all calls are free and confidential.

It is time to give us a call and let us help you on the path to a healthier and happier lifestyle. We offer a wide variety of addiction treatments and detox programs, so there is something for every level of addiction.


  • Why is it bad to try to cheat on a Drug Test?

Published on: 2021-06-16
Updated on: 2025-01-01