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Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome and Anxiety

For most of us, detoxing from substances can be something we never want to face because of the intense withdrawal symptoms. It even keeps some of us in the cycle of addiction because the fear of withdrawal is so real. But unfortunately, it doesn’t end there. There are more withdrawals after the initial ones called PAWS  – Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. These can last for quite some time and can even bring on some physical symptoms, such as anxiety, that you may have never experienced before.

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome and Anxiety

The Stages of Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

When we start this road to recovery we have to be in it for the long haul. We have to be committed to the fact that it will not be easy and it there will have to be efforts made every single day for the rest of our lives. Some days are easier than others but we have to be prepared and never let our guards down or we may lose the battle and give in to a relapse.

There are two stages of detox or withdrawal symptoms and to fully understand Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS), you must fully understand what each stage is.

The first stage of detox, acute withdrawal – is the main physical withdrawal symptoms, which can last from a few days and up to two weeks. These occur immediately after the substance of whatever you were using starts leaving your body.

Some of us try to stop “cold-turkey” at our homes, which have minimal chance of success and can be very dangerous because of some drugs causing life-threatening complications when abruptly stopped. This is especially true, for example, of individuals who are in the acute withdrawal stage of alcohol, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates, as these substances have increased risk of complications without medical supervision, including seizures or coma.

Another, the more successful and safer route is to seek help through a medically supervised detox where a supervised setting by a professional medical team is available. Because there are so many different acute withdrawal symptoms that may occur, and the various addictive substances that may be used, it is always advised to seek a medically assisted detox rather than quitting on your own, or cold turkey.

The second stage of detox, known as post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) – This happens when your brain tries to re-calibrates and function properly and get back to normal after active addiction. Unlike acute withdrawal, which is primarily physical withdrawal symptoms, the symptoms of post-acute withdrawal are all psychological and emotional. Depending on the amount and the length you used the alcohol or other drugs, post-acute withdrawal symptoms typically last between one to two years; but, the severity and frequency of symptoms tend to dissipate as times go by with abstinence of substances.

Post-acute withdrawal syndrome can be not only uncomfortable, but symptoms can happen to hear and there, and because we may be taken by surprise, it makes PAWS a driving reason for many people that are new to recovery to relapse. Even sometimes no matter how committed we are to stay clean and sober, we can be taken off guard. Also, PAWS is basically the same for everyone no matter what they were abusing.

Anxiety is one of the most common post-acute withdrawal symptoms

Some of the most common post-acute withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Insomnia or other sleep disturbances
  • Irritability, aggression, hostility
  • Anxiety or panic attacks
  • Depression
  • Impaired concentration
  • Lack of enthusiasm or motivation
  • Mood-swings (severe highs and lows in the mood)
  • Fatigue or low energy
  • Foggy thought process
  • Poor impulse control
  • Increased sensitivity to stress
  • Alcohol or other drug cravings
  • Apathy

Some of these like sleep issues or memory can be easily taken care of with consistency of healthier lifestyle changes such as reading or exercise. But some such as panic attacks and anxiety can be very difficult to get over. You may never even had anxiety before and if you did, while you were using, you would have just taken drugs or alcohol to cope. Now that you are off substances you must find new and healthy ways to cope with anything and everything that comes your way. Whatever it takes to keep us on the road to recovery. 

Overcoming PAWS

PAWS is a normal step in the recovery process and it is important to learn what it is and how to deal with it because If not, the uncomfortable symptoms can lead to a relapse. There is good news though, episodes of PAWS usually only last a few days at a time and if you use effective coping strategies, you can ride out the difficult days until the good days return. Some coping strategies might include:

  • Practice self-care so you are strong enough to handle episodes when they arise
  • Maintain a balanced diet so nutritional deficiencies become less of an issue
  • Prepare yourself for dealing with stress by practicing positive stress management
  • Exercise daily to keep your body in shape and improve your mental well-being
  • Seek the support of others to help you through the difficult days
  • Remember the symptoms of PAWS are temporary and better days are ahead

Post-acute withdrawal syndrome can be a difficult part of one’s recovery and many facilities can help including Garden State Treatment Center. Our outpatient programs can keep you on your road to recovery by providing emotional as well as physical stability, by connecting clients to support groups and other long term sobriety resources.

Get the Help You Need

Our care continues after clients leave our facility. We ensure that before their treatment ends, every one of our clients is connected to whatever resources they need to maintain their sobriety. The result is an addict or alcoholic who finds that they have been launched into a new and more rewarding dimension of their experience, one that’s healthy, full of life, and grounded in authentic recovery. Get help now at Garden State Treatment Center.


  • How to help post-acute withdrawal syndrome and anxiety?

Published on: 2020-05-29
Updated on: 2025-01-01

What Does Valium Feel Like?

Valium (the brand name for the drug diazepam) is a potent prescription sedative used to treat anxiety disorders and seizures. Valium is often frequently used to treat severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms in a medical detoxification setting. This specific medication has a high potential for abuse and is one of the most commonly abused prescription medications throughout the United States. It is essential to take Valium precisely as prescribed by a medical professional because it is highly habit-forming and can result in serious side effects when not taken properly. This specific drug is generally only prescribed for short periods; taking Valium long-term leads to tolerance, symptoms of withdrawal upon ceased use, and other health-related severe concerns. It is possible to overdose on this medication.


Diazepam-related overdoses can be fatal and are responsible for thousands of fatalities nationwide annually. If you or someone you love has been abusing Valium, professional medical help must be sought immediately. Garden State Treatment Center offers comprehensive addiction treatment services to those abusing prescription drugs of any kind. For more information on our recovery program, please feel free to reach out at any point in time. Our dedicated team of diverse, compassionate professionals is standing by to answer any questions you may have and to get you started on the road to recovery as soon as possible.

What Does Valium Feel Like?

Those who abuse Valium (take more than the recommended dose or take the prescription medication other than as prescribed) generally report similar experiences. Some of the short-term symptoms of Valium abuse include:

  • Slurred speech and an inability to form complete sentences.
  • A lack of coordination.
  • Dilated pupils.
  • Changes in appetite, usually a loss of appetite.
  • Mood swings, typically marked by agitation, irritability, and sadness.

The immediate effects of Valium abuse are similar to alcohol consumption – an individual who is high on Valium might appear to be intoxicated. Because the medication is generally used to treat anxiety, the “high” produced by the drug will somewhat resemble the “high” produced by heroin but significantly less intense. The user will feel relaxed, calm, and maybe even euphoric. Unfortunately, getting high off of prescription diazepam also results in serious side effects like respiratory depression, irregular heartbeat, and seizures. Drowsiness, weakness, confusion, and extreme dizziness are also side effects of Valium abuse.

Those who use Valium regularly over an extended period are also at risk of developing permanent mental health disorders. This medication, which is most commonly used to treat anxiety, changes brain chemistry so that the brain cannot adequately regulate stress without it. Prolonged abuse can lead to anxiety-related disorders or worsening symptoms if an anxiety disorder is already present. Brain damage can also include long-term and lasting issues with memory and cognition. Those struggling with Valium abuse or addiction must seek help sooner rather than later to prevent severe and permanent damage to the brain and the body.

Valium Abuse and Addiction Recovery

Many people believe that medications prescribed by a medical professional do not pose the same risks as illicit substances, like heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine. The truth is that prescription medications are just as dangerous when abused. The abuse of prescription drugs like Valium is far more common than many illicit substances. It can be challenging to determine whether or not someone is abusing Valium because many prescription drug users hide their symptoms well. Fortunately, if you or your loved one is struggling with Valium abuse or addiction, Garden State Treatment Center is available to help.

However, there are several telltale signs and symptoms to keep an eye out for, including all of the characters listed above as well as a general lack of motivation, disinterest in activities and hobbies that were previously enjoyed, increased desire for privacy, and doctor shopping (attempting to obtain Valium from more than one source). For more information on our recovery program, give us a call today.


  • How does diazepam make you feel?
  • Why do people abuse Valium?
  • What does Valium feel like in preparation for surgery?

Published on: 2020-05-07
Updated on: 2025-01-01

Can I Snort Ativan?

Ativan, the brand name for Lorazepam, is one of the 5 most prescribed benzodiazepines, which are a class of central nervous system depressant drugs.  It was first approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1977 to treat a variety of disorders including anxiety attacks, panic disorder, and insomnia, pre-surgical and surgical anesthesia.

The medication also has numerous off-label uses including, but not limited to, delirium, alcohol withdrawal, panic disorder, and to treat agitated or unruly patients. Due to its’ fast onset (typically 1-3 minutes), Ativan is a popular sedative in the inpatient setting when administered intravenously. When taken as prescribed by a physician, Ativan comes in tablet form, which is the most common method of use.

Benzos enhance the activity of the GABA neurotransmitter, an inhibitory transmitter, which in turn reduces the excitatory signaling brain activity that induces stress and anxiety. There is normally a natural balance between inhibitory and excitatory brain signals, however, for people with certain conditions, such as chronic anxiety and seizures, this balance can be far off.

The general effect of Ativan on the neurotransmitter causes a feeling of relaxation and well-being. Benzodiazepines, including Ativan, are Schedule IV drugs in the US Controlled Substances Act, meaning that while it has medicinal purposes, it can also become physically and psychologically addictive.

Can I Snort Ativan?

So, Can I Snort Ativan?

No, you should not snort Ativan (lorazepam).


  1. Poor Absorption – Ativan is not designed for intranasal use; most of the drug will not be effectively absorbed through the nasal membranes.
  2. Irritation & Damage – Snorting pills can cause burning, inflammation, and damage to the nasal passages and sinuses.
  3. Inactive Fillers & Binders – Tablets contain fillers (e.g., lactose, magnesium stearate) that do not dissolve well and can clog nasal passages or enter the lungs, causing serious respiratory issues.
  4. No Increased High – Unlike some drugs, Ativan does not have a faster onset when snorted; sublingual (under the tongue) or oral use is more effective.
  5. Risk of Overdose – Misusing benzodiazepines increases the risk of respiratory depression, blackouts, and overdose, especially if combined with alcohol or opioids.

Safer Alternatives

  • If you need faster effects, Ativan can be dissolved under the tongue (sublingual use) for a quicker onset than swallowing.
  • Always take medications as prescribed by a doctor.

Warning: Snorting Ativan does not enhance effects but increases risks of serious health complications. If struggling with benzodiazepine misuse, consider speaking to a medical professional.

Snorting Ativan

One of the ways that Ativan is abused is by snorting it. The pill is crushed into a powder and ingested nasally. Once inhaled, Ativan is absorbed rapidly and a rush of GABA initiates the euphoric “high”. When snorted, Ativan has an expedited transit to the nervous system and receptors in the brain. This makes for high abuse and addiction potential. Regular intranasal use can cause increased tolerance and physical dependence. The withdrawal symptoms once dependence is achieved are extremely unpleasant.

The dangers of abusing Ativan must not be downplayed.  According to

A 2010 study found that nearly 30% of deaths caused by pharmaceutical drugs were due to the overuse or overdose of benzodiazepines like Ativan. Furthermore, 75% of overdose deaths caused by benzodiazepines are unintentional. When Ativan is snorted, for instance, it may be easier to misgauge or underestimate the effects of the drug, prompting higher-than-recommended dosing, which can then lead to lethal consequences.

There are many side effects to taking Ativan, including nausea, dry mouth, reduced or increased appetite, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, restlessness, blurry vision.  The more serious side effects, which occur more frequently when the drug is abused, include difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, shuffling walk, inability to walk in a straight line, or have a normal gait, tremors, irregular heartbeat. In the case of overdose, the central nervous system can be shut down and the user might have pale bluish skin and lips, labored breathing, slurred speech, impaired motor skills, oversedation, and respiratory depression. During an overdose, the respiratory system slows dramatically, the brain and other organs are deprived of oxygen, and the result could be coma or even death.

This is more of a danger when snorting the drug than taking it in pill form as it is more difficult to gauge the amount and rate at which it is entering the system, so the user can take too much unintentionally. A person experiencing an Ativan overdose must be treated immediately, otherwise, they run the risk of brain and nervous system damage. Their respiratory and cardiovascular systems must be stabilized and then they are orally treated with charcoal, binding to the toxic substances and drugs, removing them from the bodily tissues. A person who has overdosed on Ativan must be monitored until their bodily functions return to a normal state.

Ativan Withdrawal

Ativan Addiction Signs and Symptoms

Ativan, a prescription medication for anxiety disorders, can lead to dependency and substance use disorder. Even short-term use carries health risks, and misuse, like snorting Ativan, is especially dangerous, damaging the septum and nasal cavities, causing nosebleeds, loss of smell, and swallowing difficulties. Snorting also increases the risk of overdose and other health complications.

Signs of Ativan addiction include confusion, sweating, slurred speech, “doctor shopping,” breathing difficulties, drowsiness, neglecting responsibilities, lying, stealing, mood swings, irrational behavior, financial problems, and defensiveness. Cravings are also common.

Ativan withdrawal can be life-threatening. Quitting without professional help is strongly discouraged. Acute withdrawal can involve increased anxiety, nausea, irritability, mood swings, and insomnia, lasting 3-5 weeks. Tapering off Ativan under a healthcare provider’s guidance is crucial, as abruptly stopping, especially after prolonged use or high doses, can be dangerous.

Professional help, such as intensive outpatient programs, is essential to address the physical and psychological aspects of Ativan dependency. CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) can help manage cravings. If you or someone you know is struggling with Ativan addiction or substance abuse, get help. A healthcare provider can assess the situation and recommend treatment. Ativan affects the GABA neurotransmitter, and understanding this is important for effective treatment.


We are Here to Help with Ativan Abuse

At Garden State Treatment Center, men and women struggling with Ativan addiction can safely begin long-term recovery. Following medical detox, individuals often experience withdrawal symptoms like mood swings, panic attacks, depression, confusion, and suicidal thoughts. Our experienced therapists and staff help clients address the lasting effects of Ativan and the underlying issues driving their addiction, teaching them to manage these challenges without substance use.

We offer various addiction treatment programs, including individual, group, family, and cognitive behavioral therapy, as well as relapse prevention. Our partial care rehab program addresses co-occurring disorders like anxiety, trauma, and depression. Our evidence-based treatment options are tailored to each individual’s needs. Our detox program provides safe and supportive detoxification, and our rehab centers offer a healing environment.

If you or a loved one is struggling with Ativan or other substance addiction, call our admissions counselors 24/7. We’re ready to help you find a path to a healthy, sober life.


  • Why do people enjoy snorting ativan?

Published on: 2020-04-27
Updated on: 2025-02-19

Drug Rehab Programs for MTA Employees

The Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) has altered its normal bus and subway schedule to accommodate the recent global viral outbreak. As the novel COVID-19 outbreak continues to claim hundreds of lives daily, extreme measures are being taken to stop its rapid spread. National business closures have left thousands without jobs and any viable source of income. Unemployment offices are slowing to a halt, overwhelmed by a constant influx of requests for government assistance. Millions of lives have already been gravely impacted by the virus in one way or another. At first, the number of bus and subway cancellations was due to the number of MTA employees that were getting sick.

Exposure is extremely high for those working in the field of public transportation, and great numbers of MTA employees have already been diagnosed. Not only do the employees who have come down with the virus need to take extended and mandatory medical leaves, but many healthy MTA employees have been furloughed due to the altered schedule. Overall, the circumstances lend themselves to exceptionally high-stress levels. Unfortunately, many MTA employees who have been laid-off and are experiencing extreme stressors like financial insecurity, an inability to find other work and potential exposure are turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms – such as drug and alcohol abuse.

Drug Rehab Programs for MTA Employees

MTA Employees and Substance Abuse

As a public transportation employee, those working for the Metropolitan Transit Authority must stay drug and alcohol-free at all times – if they don’t, they risk putting lives at risk. Before being hired they each sign an agreement stating that they will remain sober (especially while at work), and that if drug or alcohol abuse is suspected that they might be asked to undergo a random drug test. This in itself is reason enough for most employees to stay away from illicit drug use and the misuse of alcohol.

However, with newly compounded stress levels and because addiction is a non-discriminatory disease, there are MTA employees who do still struggle with substance abuse. A recent study found that within the last 16 months, there was a rail accident once every 10 days somewhere in the country that directly involved a rail employee misusing a chemical substance. Out of these accidents, 370 individuals were seriously injured or killed.

If you are an MTA employee who has been struggling with a substance abuse disorder, or if you have been self-medicating with drugs or alcohol due to a recent layoff, you need to know that you are not alone. There are many resources available to help you get started on the road to recovery without jeopardizing your career.

At Garden State Treatment Center we offer confidential and comprehensive treatment options for those working in specialized fields. We understand that MTA employees are just as susceptible to addiction and that they want and need their anonymity protected. For those who work full-time and cannot afford to take time away for inpatient treatment, we offer intensive outpatient treatment and partial care.

Drug Treatment Programs for MTA Workers

As it stands, it is illegal to fire someone indefinitely for discriminatory purposes. Additionally, drug and alcohol abuse treatment is considered a valid reason to take medical leave. Unless you were caught intoxicated on the job, you have every right to take time off and enter into an inpatient treatment program. At Garden State Treatment Center we accept many forms of insurance and will work closely with you to ensure that you are getting the treatment you need and deserve at a reasonable price.

Amidst these stressful and unstable times, rates of substance abuse are climbing dramatically. Fortunately, substance abuse treatment is considered an essential medical service. For more information on our treatment services or for answers to any questions you might have about drug rehab programs for MTA employees, please reach out to us today. We are looking forward to speaking with you soon.

Published on: 2020-04-15
Updated on: 2025-01-01

Can You Inject Benzodiazepines?

Benzodiazepines, also known as benzos, are psychoactive drugs used to treat many different conditions including anxiety, panic disorders, seizures, and even alcohol withdrawal. Benzodiazepines include drugs such as Niravam, Ativan, Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, Halcion, Restoril, Tranxene, and Alprazolam. They work by making the nerves in the brain less sensitive to stimulation, creating a calming effect. Unfortunately, although benzos do a lot of good, the risk for abuse and addiction is very high. According to an article written by

Among past-year benzodiazepine misusers, 46.3% reported that the motivation for their most recent misuse was to relax or relieve tension, followed by helping with sleep (22.4%). About 5.7% reported “experimentation” as their main motivation for misuse, and 11.8% reported using them to “get high” or because of being “hooked.’

The standard way that benzos are taken orally is in a small tablet form. For addicts who abuse benzodiazepines, swallowing pills may not be enough and they may crush up the pills to either snort, smoke, or even inject them. This is so that they can get the entire dose of the drug all at once, causing a near-instantaneous euphoric high which increases the relaxing and calming effect of benzos.  Not only does using benzodiazepines in any way other than is prescribed by a doctor very dangerous, especially injecting it, it is also deadly as it increases the risk for an overdose.

Can You Inject Benzodiazepines?

Having all of that substance rushing through you and to your brain at one time dangerously increases depression of the central nervous system, slowing the heart rate and breathing. This can even cause the heart to stop beating if it slows down too quickly.

The Risks of Injecting Benzodiazepines

Like previously mentioned, when you inject or “shoot” benzos, you greatly increase your risk of overdosing and dying. That fact alone, you would think, should be enough to deter people from doing it, but unfortunately, it isn’t if you are an addict. Injecting anything directly into your veins, including benzodiazepines, can leave you at risk for abscesses, sores, and infections. It also causes serious damage to your heart and other organs. Shooting up also leaves you at a higher risk for Hepatitis C and/or HIV if you are sharing your needles with other users.

There are signs and symptoms to look out for if you think you are or know someone who might be addicted to benzodiazepines. They include:

  • Physical weakness
  • Slurred speech
  • Confusion
  • Sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Blurred vision
  • Depression
  • Dizziness
  • Lack of motor skills
  • Drowsiness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Poor decision-making ability
  • Tremors
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Memory problems
  • Doctor shopping
  • Mood changes

Help with Benzodiazepine Addiction

If you or someone you love are ready to take the necessary steps to get sober, the best way to start is with a medically assisted detox process. Due to the brain rewiring after prolonged use, withdrawal symptoms can be extremely intense and even deadly when you abruptly stop. These symptoms include seizures, coma, hallucinations, muscle pain, cramping, and even suicidal thoughts, to name a few. Medical detox is always recommended and your doctors will come up with the best plan for you to safely detox the benzos from your system.

Once you have detoxed, the best and safest option to get off of and stay off benzodiazepines is by the use of one of the many treatment programs we offer at Garden State. We offer many different treatment programs that provide therapeutic education and guidance for each individual to help them safely reintegrate into society. With the help of our team of therapists, we offer one on one, group therapy, as well as many other specialized options to fit each person’s needs. Benzodiazepine treatment requires a multi-layered approach for maximum success. We want to make sure you have the tools you need to avoid relapse in the real world.

Addiction isn’t an easy thing to face. Luckily you do not have to face it on your own. Our admissions counselors and professionals are available around the clock. We are ready to help you or a loved one overcome the disease of addiction. Now is the time to change your life. Let us help you do it.


  • Can You Inject Benzodiazepines?

Published on: 2020-03-30
Updated on: 2025-02-15

Does Methadone Get In Your Bone Marrow?

According to the U.S. Library of Medicine (NIH), methadone is used to relieve severe pain in people who are expected to need pain medication around the clock for a long time and who cannot be treated with other medications. It also is used to prevent withdrawal symptoms in patients who were addicted to opiate drugs and are enrolled in treatment programs in order to stop taking or continue not taking the drugs.

Methadone is in a class of medications called opiate (narcotic) analgesics. Methadone works to treat pain by changing the way the brain and nervous system respond to pain. It works to treat people who were addicted to opiate drugs by producing similar effects and preventing withdrawal symptoms in people who have stopped using these drugs.

Does Methadone Get In Your Bone Marrow?

How Was Methadone Created?

Methadone was created in Germany around World War II to treat pain. It didn’t make its way to the United States till after the war but was not widely used due to the painkillers misunderstood side effects it caused. Like most painkillers, patients started becoming addicted to the drug and it wasn’t until the early ‘90s that it was used regularly in the treatment of other opioid addiction called Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT).

3 Myths About Methadone

There are common myths about all things in life especially about the misconceptions of what a drug can or can’t do. What the side effects are and what these drugs do to persons that use them for long periods of time. Methadone has myths as well such as:

➤ Myth: Methadone damages your body.
➤ Fact: When taken properly, there is no known damage to any parts of the body. There are some side effects such as constipation, increased sweating, and dry mouth; but these go away over time or with dose adjustments.

➤ Myth: Methadone produces abnormalities in babies.
➤ Fact: Women can have a healthy pregnancy if taking the methadone as prescribed.

➤ Myth: Methadone gets into your bones and weakens them.
➤ Fact: Methadone does not “get into the bones” or cause any harm to the skeletal system. Most bone and joint aches are usually mild withdrawal symptoms.

The question of “does methadone get in your bone marrow?” has been researched and been concluded that, Yes, it does get into your bone marrow but no, like the myth was busted above, it does not weaken them.

There has been some evidence showing that methadone is present in the bone marrow of patients but if there are skeletal issues, it’s due to other factors outside of methadone maintenance. Other factors that may weaken methadone users bones and cause weakness and/or pain is:

  • Lack of proper nutrition
  • Pre-existing skeletal issues
  • Drug/alcohol abuse
  • Anemia
  • Compromised immune system

How Long Has Methadone Been Around?

Methadone has been around for quite some time and for good reason because it effectively helps those dealing with chronic pain and/or drug addiction. To receive methadone maintenance treatment, you must be enrolled in a treatment program that is approved by the state and federal governments and must treat patients according to specific federal laws. Methadone must be taken under the care of professional staff unless otherwise directed.

There have been many studies about the pros and cons. It even has been included on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines for treatment for heroin dependence. Research on MMT has found some pros to be:

  • MMT significantly reduces drug injecting
  • Because it reduces drug injecting, MMT reduces HIV transmission
  • MMT significantly reduces the death rate associated with opioid dependence
  • MMT reduces criminal activity by opioid users

We are Here to Help with Methadone Addiction

We at Garden State Treatment Center understand the struggles of trying to quit methadone and can help you safely detox off it. Located in the heart of Northern New Jersey, Garden State Treatment Center is an outpatient and partial care addiction treatment facility that offers nuanced levels of care for individuals struggling with the horrors of substance abuse. It is our explicit goal to help addicted clients rebuild their lives from the inside out and reintegrate themselves back into society.


  • Does Methadone get in your Bone Marrow?
  • Is it dangerous to take Methadone under supervised care?

Published on: 2020-03-21
Updated on: 2025-01-01

Why is Staying Sober So Difficult?

It might seem like a pretty basic thing – staying away from drugs and alcohol. Especially if drugs and alcohol have played a negative role in your life, and have led to a host of serious personal consequences. Those who haven’t experienced addiction firsthand might think that staying clean and sober is a matter of will power. The truth is, addiction is a chronic, relapsing brain disease, and those that struggle with addiction don’t have the mental capacity to just quit whenever things get unmanageable. The only way to successfully quit is to undergo detox, inpatient treatment, and aftercare while committing to a life of long-term recovery. However, while the process might seem straightforward, the process itself can be quite difficult.

Why is staying away from drugs and alcohol so hard? Below is a list of ten things that might make staying sober difficult, and how to combat these things in order to live the fulfilled, drug and alcohol-free life you deserve.

Why is Staying Sober So Difficult?

Staying Sober in Addiction Recovery

  1. “Poor me.” It will be very difficult to stay sober if you stay wrapped-up in self-pity. Feeling sorry for yourself will only drag you down, and keep you trapped in a negative mindset. Rather than feeling sorry for yourself, consider all the things that you have to be grateful for. Try making a gratitude list every morning, jotting down five things that you have to be thankful for in the day ahead.
  2. Fear of missing out on social events. Being afraid of missing out on all of the “fun” can make staying sober difficult. This is especially true when you used to attend parties and nights out where drinking and drug use were prevalent. Be honest with yourself – were you really having fun when active in your addiction? Also – who said sobriety can’t be fun? In sobriety, you’ll finally be able to have authentic fun. Put yourself out there!
  3. Failure to hit rock bottom. For some, hitting a personal rock bottom is important to finding the motivation to get and stay sober. Rock bottoms can look completely different. For example, one person may decide to get clean after getting in trouble with the law one time, while someone might take someone else homelessness, poverty, and complete isolation in order to get clean. Remember that you have the ability to enter into recovery as soon as you begin to feel like enough is enough.
  4. Thinking about “never again.” The thought “I can never drink again” can be very overwhelming – this is why it’s so important to take things one day at a time.
  5. You think you’ll be able to moderate eventually. One of the symptoms of addiction is an inability to control or moderate drinking or drug use, no matter how hard you try. Some recovering addicts cling to the belief that someday they will be able to safely use again. This is never the case. Coming to terms with the reality of the situation will help immensely.
  6. Setting unrealistic goals for yourself. Try not to set unrealistic goals, or succumb to perfectionism. No one “does recovery” perfectly, every once in a while you’ll show up late to a meeting, or forget to call your sponsor, or forget to pray. The important thing is that you get right back on track as soon as you stumble, and continue working on self-forgiveness.
  7. A lack of adequate resources.  Some might struggle to stay sober because they aren’t getting the comprehensive help they need. Take into account all of the resources you might need to utilize for successful recovery – a therapist, a psychologist, a sponsor… don’t be afraid to ask for the help that you need!

Staying sober is hard…initially. Once you find your groove, things will become a lot easier for you. If you have any additional questions or concerns about getting and staying sober, please feel free to reach out to us today! We look forward to speaking with you soon.


  • Why is staying Sober so difficult?

Published on: 2020-02-09
Updated on: 2025-01-01

What Does a Meth High Feel Like?

Every individual is different and we experience everything differently. The way one-person experiences eating a banana may be a different experience for another. The same goes for using drugs and alcohol. The experience of smoking weed may feel and different from one person to another, therefore, having different experiences.

It is very difficult to explain how something feels if one hasn’t experienced it for themselves. Curiously is what a lot of us addicts lead us to try drugs in the first place. One of those drugs is a deadly and addictive stimulant known as methamphetamine.

What Does Injecting Meth Feel Like?

How Dangerous is Methamphetamine?

One of the most dangerous and addictive drugs being used today is methamphetamine. According to The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), Methamphetamine is a powerful, highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system. Crystal methamphetamine is a form of the drug that looks like glass fragments or shiny, bluish-white rocks. It is chemically similar to amphetamine, a drug used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy, a sleep disorder.

Other common names for methamphetamine include blue, crystal, ice, meth, and speed. It can be smoked, taken orally, snorted and injected, which is the most dangerous and addictive because of the intense “high” it creates. But what is that intense high? Why is this so alluring? What does injecting Meth feel like?

These are the main feelings that may be experienced when abusing meth:

1) The Rush— When you first inject Meth you will feel a rush within seconds. During the rush, your heartbeat races and metabolism, blood pressure and pulse soar. The rush from Meth can last up to thirty minutes or so.

2) The High— After the rush, the user will feel the “high”. This is when you feel “on top of the world”, confident, you are the best of the best. You may become augmentative and maybe violent. The high can last four to sixteen hours.

3) The Binge— Binging takes place after the high where the user tries to maintain the high by injecting more methamphetamine uncontrollably. The binge can last three to fifteen days. During the binge, the addict becomes hyperactive both mentally and physically. Each time the user injects more of the drug, he experiences another but smaller rush until, finally, there is no rush and no high.

4) Tweaking — A methamphetamine addict is most dangerous when going through a phase of the addiction called “tweaking” This is when the addict can no longer get high or a rush from using Meth. This is wear delusions set in and the user can become very dangerous to themselves and others. The addict will be unable to sleep for days and the potential for self-mutilation is high.

5) The Crash — The user then crashes because of the overwhelming effects on the body from the drug. This is where the user sleeps for long periods of time. The crash can last one to three days.

6) Meth Hangover — After crashing the addict is in a deteriorated state, starved, dehydrated and utterly exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally. This usually lasts from two to fourteen days. This leads to enforced addiction, as the “solution” to these feelings is to take more meth.

7) Withdrawal — Often thirty to ninety days can pass after the last drug use before the user realizes that he is in withdrawal. First, you become depressed, lose energy and the ability to experience pleasure. Then the craving for more methamphetamine hits, and you may become suicidal. Since meth withdrawal is extremely painful and difficult, most abusers revert; thus, 93% of those in traditional treatment return to abusing methamphetamine.

We Are Here to Help with Meth Addiction

This doesn’t have to be the case; at Garden State Treatment Center we can turn those statistics around starting with you. Located in the heart of Northern New Jersey, Garden State Treatment Center is an outpatient and partial care addiction treatment facility that offers nuanced levels of care for individuals struggling with the horrors of substance abuse. It is our explicit goal to help addicted clients rebuild their lives from the inside out and reintegrate themselves back into society.

The most important thing you can expect from your Garden State Treatment Center Treatment experience is that you will emerge from it transformed, stable, and ready to begin a lifetime of recovery.


  • What does Meth taste like?
  • What does meth feel like?

Published on: 2020-01-20
Updated on: 2025-01-01

Mixing Cocaine and Xanax

What is Cocaine?

Cocaine is an illicit, powerfully addictive substance. Cocaine, also known as coke, is a strong stimulant most frequently used as a recreational drug. Mental effects may include loss of contact with reality, an intense feeling of happiness, or agitation. Cocaine can be snorted, smoked or injected. It fluctuates in pigment from white to light rose or yellow. It stimulates the reward system, dopamine, of the brain and generates instant effects throughout the central nervous system.

Cocaine addicts build a forbearance swiftly because their bodies get used to the drug, and therefore more of the substance is necessary to deliver the consistent results of reaching a high. A cocaine addict’s physical brain function is dependent on the substance to be able to function normally.

Mixing Cocaine and Xanax2

What is Xanax?

Xanax, which is alprazolam, is a benzodiazepine. Alprazolam affects chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people with anxiety. Xanax is used to treat anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and anxiety caused by depression. Xanax may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Xanax can cause paranoid or suicidal ideation and impair memory, judgment, and coordination.

Combining with other substances, particularly alcohol, can slow breathing and possibly lead to death. Xanax is commonly abused because it is an analgesic that treats moderate to severe pain, but people who don’t have pain can get a significant high off it.

Why is it Common for People to Mix Cocaine and Xanax?

People may co-use stimulants and depressants for several reasons. Cocaine is an infamous drug that is associated with high energy levels, excitability, and mental alertness, but it can cause irritability and paranoia as well. Some people may take Xanax to curb the acute effects of cocaine or to ease the discomfort associated with “coming down” from a cocaine high. Cocaine may also be taken to counteract the depressant effects of Xanax, including drowsiness and a sense of low energy.

What Happens When You Mix Cocaine and Xanax?

Both Xanax and cocaine can be incredibly dangerous drugs on their own, and each has a high risk of developing dependence and addiction. When they are taken together, the risk of immediate and long-term negative health and social consequences is substantially increased. A major danger of combining Xanax and cocaine is a heightened risk of acquiring dependence and addiction to one or both.

When they are taken at the same time, they limit the efficiency of each other, which may lead to someone taking greater doses of one or both drugs than they ordinarily would. Both Xanax and cocaine have opposite effects on the body and brain making difficult for someone who is using to identify the symptoms of an overdose. According to studies done by the Centers for Disease Control both cocaine and alprazolam were among the highest rates of death by overdose in recent years.

Among drug overdose deaths that mentioned at least one specific drug, the 10 most frequently mentioned drugs during 2011–2016 included fentanyl, heroin, hydrocodone, methadone, morphine, oxycodone, alprazolam, diazepam, cocaine, and methamphetamine. (CDC)

Polydrug abuse means mixing two or more drugs to get high and it’s a very dangerous road. The more drugs you take at the same time, the more complex the interactions become, and they can often turn deadly. Mixing cocaine and Xanax is especially risky because one is an upper and the other a downer.

How Can Rehab at Garden State Treatment Center Help You?

Here at Garden State Treatment Center, we offer group therapy, individual addiction counseling, relapse prevention treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, and 12-step addiction treatment. We will look at your health and your life to make an individualized treatment plan that fits your needs and the safest route will be approached.

The medical staff will provide care that is around the clock. We are committed to an evidence-based treatment approach to be able to facilitate a long-term recovery for you. Take the first courageous step on the road to a healthy and happy life and call now for a confidential evaluation.

Published on: 2019-11-26
Updated on: 2025-01-01

When Addicted Loved Ones Ask for Money

Watching a loved one struggle with alcohol or drug addiction is one of the most painful experiences an individual can have. Addiction is a physically, emotionally, and psychologically devastating disease – and not just for the afflicted individual.

addicted loved ones ask for money

Close friends, family members, or significant others may watch their loved ones deteriorate and wonder WHY they can’t do anything to help. “If they really loved me, they would change.” The emotional torture of being completely and utterly helpless drives many loved ones to exacerbate a vicious cycle of enabling. While doing everything in your power to help your addicted loved one may seem to make sense at the time, things will not change until the addict hits rock bottom – and has nowhere else to go.

What is Enabling?

Essentially, enabling is the act of preventing an addict from hitting his or her personal bottom by coddling them and ‘supporting’ them in ways that are actually doing them harm. One of the most common forms of enabling is giving money to an active addict or alcoholic. If you are the parent of an individual who is battling substance dependency, offering financial support may seem like a no-brainer. Say, for example, your son – who has been struggling with heroin addiction – asks for $20 for food. “My child needs food in order to survive,” you might think to yourself. “I can’t stand by and watch him starve.” In reality, the likelihood that your son is going to spend that money on more heroin is exceptionally high.

Addiction is a disease of manipulation – those suffering will go to great lengths in order to get what they want (and what they want, in the vast majority of cases, is the next fix). While it can be easy to assume that your own child wouldn’t manipulate you, steal from you, or lie to your face, it is important to keep in mind just how insidious this disease is.

How To Say No to Giving Someone Money

Sadly, continuing to support your child financially is likely to exacerbate the illness, and – seeing as addiction is a progressive disease – it could ultimately lead to serious complications (such as overdose, or even death). Of course, saying ‘no’ will not come naturally, and setting boundaries can be difficult and painful.

asking for money

For this reason, the families of addicts often choose to stage an intervention. What is an intervention? In so many words, an intervention allows the loved ones of the concerned individual to express their feelings while setting strict personal boundaries. It is absolutely crucial that interventions are organized and conducted by an experienced professional. If they are not, they may wind up doing more harm than good.

In most cases, the friends and family members of the subject of the intervention will write letters and read them in turn. These letters will explain how the symptoms of active addiction have affected them personally, and they will outline boundaries that the interventionist will help to maintain. One of the most common – and important – boundaries is that concerning money. “I will no longer give you money, no matter what you say it’s for. I am willing to help you go to treatment, but that’s the only financial support you’ll receive from me.” Once these boundaries have been established, it is important to seek the support you need in order to successfully maintain them.

Garden State Treatment Center

We at Garden State Treatment Center understand how difficult it can be to set and maintain a strict set of rules while you watch your loved one struggle. Fortunately, our team of experienced therapists, counselors, and addiction specialists are available to help. We will help you take the steps you need to get help for your loved one in a safe and effective way.

Published on: 2019-10-18
Updated on: 2025-01-01

Should I Go to NA or AA Meetings?

When an addict has the desire and willingness to get sober for the first time, they probably wonder which twelve-step program is better, Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous? What is the difference? Do I have to commit to one? A lot of questions go through our heads about the programs of recovery and rightly so. You should ask and explore all the similarities and differences to find out which one or if both are right for you or a loved one.

Should I go to NA or AA meetings

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is the older of the two programs starting in 1935 by a few men who had the same goal of wanting to help alcoholics gain sobriety and pass it on to other alcoholics.

The Twelve Step Program is what AA is centered around, which is 12 steps that alcoholics live by. They are a guide to help them grow spiritually and to help them become aware of the damage they have done to others and to themselves in their addiction.  Through these steps, they also get to make amends and make their wrongs right.

As the person continues to live by these 12 steps in his/her everyday life and gains life skills to live by, they start seeing the importance and the joy they bring and want to share this with the next person who is looking to better their life through recovery.

AA is also centered on group therapy or support groups, which are the meetings that are held around the world. This is where other alcoholics can get or give support through others who have been where they were and share similar experiences.

Narcotics Anonymous

While AA was growing and gaining praise, there were people who struggled with addiction to substances besides alcohol who needed support as well but felt they were not included since the AA program was based around alcohol. This was when Narcotics Anonymous began.

There are many similarities in both AA and NA. They both use support groups as their therapy and hold meetings. And they both use The Twelve Step Program as principles and guidelines to living life.

So AA and NA share many similarities, but there are a few differences that go beyond which substance is used by the addict.

Differences Between AA & NA

The first main difference is AA’s basis of their program is to help the person who suffers from the substance of alcohol while NA’s program is there to help people who have an addiction to any substance. In relation, the twelve steps that both AA and NA base their programs off of are similar except the first step. AA states “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol, that our lives had become unmanageable.” Where NA states, “We admitted we were powerless over our addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable.” It may seem like only a couple of words that are different, but it means a lot more than that.

AA’s first step claims only the alcohol needs to be managed; then everything will be good to go. NA’s are saying “our addiction,” which can mean anything and everything that brings us to unmanageability. That could be drugs, food, money, our thoughts, our actions, etc. It goes a lot deeper and is more of what is whiting a person rather than an external substance.

Now we can compare till we are out of breath, but what many suggest is try both and see what works for the individual seeking recovery. There is no wrong answer. They both have the same message and goal: “to help the next alcoholic or addict achieve sobriety.”

Garden State Treatment Center is an outpatient and partial care addiction treatment facility that offers nuanced levels of care for individuals struggling with the horrors of substance abuse. Garden State Treatment Center’s 12-step addiction treatment based on the philosophy of the 12-step program as outlined by Alcoholics Anonymous. When you enroll in the program, we will work with you to draw you out of hopelessness into a new way of life.


  • What are the differences between Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous?
  • Does Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous use the same steps?

Published on: 2019-10-04
Updated on: 2024-12-22


To Halt means to stop abruptly. The acronym for H.A.L.T., as many people in recovery know, means hungry, angry, lonely, and tired. For recovering addicts and alcoholics, this word is how they monitor their state of physical and mental well-being. Paying attention to whether you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired is extremely useful to make the most of, especially when you are in a new recovery. Newly recovering addicts and alcoholics are experiencing a new way of life, which is challenging. They are learning how to adapt to being clean and sober, and that’s a drastic change.

garden state treatment center

The acronym HALT helps recovering addicts remember to take care of themselves. When people are drunk or high, the last thing they pay attention to is whether or not they are eating, sleeping, feeling angry, or lonely. In fact, it is these very feelings that cause addicts and alcoholics to use or drink. Therefore, learning to take notice of their physical and mental state is how addicts learn to take care of themselves.

It is Possible You Have Experienced HALT

Everyone has times when they are experiencing hunger, anger, loneliness, and tiredness. However, for people in recovery, these feelings can be dangerous. According to the medical researchers at The National Center for Biotechnology Information and their research on relapse prevention, an emotional relapse is the lack of self-care, which includes eating enough, sleeping enough, and talking about your emotions.

During an emotional relapse, individuals are not thinking about using. They remember their last relapse, and they don’t want to repeat it. But their emotions and behaviors are setting them up for relapse down the road…The common denominator of emotional relapse is poor self-care, in which self-care is broadly defined to include emotional, psychological, and physical care…A simple reminder of poor self-care is the acronym HALT: hungry, angry, lonely, and tired. (NCBI)

Therefore, people in recovery need to practice high levels of self-care to prevent relapse as well as feel better overall. For many people in recovery they are just learning about how much food, sleep, and emotional support they need to remain positive about their recovery, which lowers the desire to get high or drunk.


Hunger Can Lead to Bad Decisions

Feeling hungry causes a person to be easily confused and irritable. Experiencing confusion and irritability will lead to more upsetting emotions if hunger continues. Feeling hungry is often hard for people in recovery to recognize. Most addicts and alcoholics were able to go for days or more without eating. And for many addicts and alcoholics they also used drugs and alcohol as a way to manage their weight. Once a person has recovered their instincts to eat normally, we learn that nourishing ourselves properly requires attention. The problem is that recovery is a slow learning process, but with eating, there isn’t exactly the time to get it wrong.

If a person is not giving their body the fuel that it needs, they will not respond to life’s challenges properly. Addicts and alcoholics who are now sober must break their old habits of starvation. A sober mind needs food. It may seem quite basic to remember to eat, but for recovering alcoholics and addicts, this is a new way of existing. By providing the body with enough food throughout the day, a person’s hormones and stress levels remain closer to normal.


Anger from Experiencing HALT

Anger is a potent negative emotion that can be particularly challenging for individuals in addiction recovery. While it may seem like a straightforward expression of frustration or irritation, anger often masks deeper feelings of hurt, fear, or insecurity. For those in recovery, anger can serve as a coping mechanism, a way to protect oneself from confronting uncomfortable emotions or situations.

One crucial aspect often overlooked is how anger can stem from the experience of the H.A.L.T. acronym as halt stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. These basic needs, when unmet, can exacerbate emotional vulnerabilities, making individuals more prone to anger outbursts or you and loved ones, such as family member’s mental health. For instance, fluctuating blood sugar levels due to hunger can significantly impact mood regulation, potentially triggering anger responses. Therefore, it’s vital for individuals in recovery to maintain stable blood sugar levels through regular, nutritious meals.

Moreover, feelings of loneliness or isolation can intensify anger. In early recovery, when support networks might still be developing, individuals may feel especially vulnerable to these emotions. The absence of healthy coping mechanisms, such as substance use, can make managing anger even more challenging.

Addressing anger in addiction recovery requires a multifaceted approach. Developing self-awareness is crucial—recognizing the signs of escalating anger and understanding its underlying triggers can empower individuals to respond more effectively. Techniques like deep breathing exercises can help regulate emotions in the moment, providing a valuable tool for managing anger.

Seeking support from a sponsor counselor, or attending or check-in to support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or AA meetings (12-step meetings), addiction centers, or getting an addiction treatment from the treatment center and undergoing a rehab program can also be instrumental in navigating anger in recovery. These spaces offer opportunities for individuals to explore the root causes of their anger in a supportive environment, fostering healing and growth.

Additionally, maintaining healthy habits, such as eating healthy snacks and ensuring a good night’s sleep, is essential for managing anger. Fatigue can amplify irritability and diminish cognitive function, making individuals more susceptible to anger-inducing situations.

By acknowledging and addressing anger within the context of addiction recovery, individuals can cultivate healthier coping mechanisms and strengthen their emotional resilience. Through self-awareness, support, and the adoption of healthy habits, individuals can navigate their recovery journey with greater stability and success.


The Loneliness can be Damaging

Feeling lonely when a person is recovering from addiction and alcoholism is usually normal. Beginning a new lifestyle, far removed from the old drug and alcohol abuse atmosphere, causes a person to feel out of place and lonely. The good news is that there are more and more people in recovery every day, and they are there to support each other. It is important to recognize whether or not the loneliness is lasting longer than a day or two. If this is the case, the likelihood of depression is possible. Depression is common among many alcoholics and addicts who are in recovery. These people are getting help for their depression-like they are for their recovery.


Get Plenty of Sleep

Being well-rested and not tired is a good feeling for your body, mind, and soul. For newly recovering addicts and alcoholics, their ability to fall asleep is often challenging. Like many others in recovery, the time that it takes sot to adjust to sleeping normally does occur within about six months. When a person is not sleeping enough, they are out of it and usually resent other people because they are drained. It is perfectly acceptable to try natural sleep remedies when you are in a new recovery and beyond.The goal with HALT is to remind people in recovery to take care of themselves. Recovery is a lifestyle that requires effort and willingness to support it. By practicing HALT, people in recovery are protecting themselves from cravings, stress, worry, and fear. Being Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired causes poor reactions and experiences. For addicts and alcoholics in recovery, they need to do whatever it takes to make their life experiences more positive.

Published on: 2019-09-11
Updated on: 2025-01-06

Brad Pitt Opens Up About His Alcoholism

In a recently published New York Times article, Brad Pitt opened up about his personal struggles with alcoholism, as well as his time spent in Alcoholics Anonymous. In 2016, the actor split from his long-time wife, Angelina Jolie. The two were involved in a 12-year relationship and parented 6 children together. News of their split sent shockwaves through the nation, as almost everyone had come to consider the two stars one of the most solid and iconic couples in Hollywood.

As it turns out, the divorce (instigated by Angelina), was more a result of Brad’s ongoing struggles with alcoholism than anything else. Many news outlets reported that the final straw between the couple was an intense argument they had while on a private jet. While this very well may have been the case, it seems as though there was a bit more to the story.

Brad Pitt Alcoholism

The Beginning of a Career in Acting

Brad Pitt began his acting career in 1987 in the television series “21 Jumpstreet”. Since his career began, he has been in innumerable major motion pictures and even landed himself an Academy Word for production. There certainly is a stigma in the entertainment industry as far as drug addiction and alcoholism go – many stars, of all ages and professional backgrounds – have grappled with substance dependency.

The pressure of constantly being in the spotlight becomes too overwhelming, and celebrities turn to drugs and alcohol as a method of self-medication. Although he did not confirm how long his personal struggles with alcoholism lasted, he attributed Alcoholics Anonymous to help him get back on the right track, and ultimately commit to a life of sobriety.

Was Brad Pitt an Alcoholic?

In his interview with The New York Times, Pitt stated that AA was a “safe space where there was little judgment, and therefore little judgment of yourself.” He discussed some of the more dark times he had been through recently, and the impact AA had on his self-discovery. “The fact is, we all carry pain, grief, and loss,” he said. “We spend most of our time hiding it, but it’s there, it’s in you. So you open up those boxes.” He further noted, “It was actually really freeing just to expose the ugly sides of yourself. There’s great value in that.”

Since entering himself into Alcoholics Anonymous in 2016, and remaining actively immersed in the program for a year and a half, it seems as though Pitt has turned over a new leaf. He recently appeared in box office hit “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”, and is working hard to continue making reparations with his ex-wife and children.

Get the Help You Need

If you or someone you love has grappled with alcoholism, help is available. In more severe cases, inpatient treatment comes as a highly recommended first step, followed by immersion in an ongoing treatment program (such as Alcoholics Anonymous). Because substance dependency is such a personal battle, it is important to accurately determine which method of treatment is right for you. Our experienced clinicians are available to discuss treatment options at any time of day — please feel free to give us a call. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Published on: 2019-09-09
Updated on: 2024-12-22

What is the Calvin Klein Club Drug?

The Calvin Klein drug is not a new synthetic compound, but instead is a deadly combination of cocaine and ketamine. It’s one of the latest trending club drugs that is causing many overdoses for young adults that take these substances to party harder. Already leaving a trail of destruction in its path, this drug mixture tragically took the life of a young violinist who was a musical prodigy. The young violinist died from an accidental overdose of the drug in London on Thursday, July 11th, 2019.

What’s the story behind the name of this deadly drug cocktail? This substance is being called the ‘Calvin Klein’ drug because it goes by the initials ‘CK,’ that reference the brand. The appealing name of the drug, taken from a worldwide fashion brand, adds to its dangerous marketing appeal for young adults looking for an edgy high. The fact that it’s a combination of a stimulant and hallucinogenic causes adverse reactions that are leading to overdoses.

What is the Calvin Klein Club Drug

Calvin Klein Drug: Mix of Cocaine and Ketamine

When mixed together, cocaine and ketamine abuse can be life-threatening, causing increased heart rate, palpitations, and possible cardiac arrest. The death of a young musical prodigy because of taking the Calvin Klein club drug was covered by the New York Post, “Katya Tsukanova, 17, a leading musician in the UK, died of an apparent overdose from a cocaine and ketamine drug cocktail — just days after performing at the Royal Opera House in the city”. This news has prompted further investigation of how dangerous this drug is. Although more evidence is needed in how cocaine and ketamine combined affects a person’s brain, there is research on the two drugs separately.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIDA, classifies ketamine as a dissociative drug similar to hallucinogens. NIDA states that the reason people take dissociative drugs is to “enable them to enter into what they perceive as a more enlightened sense of thinking or being” (NIDA). Additionally, from NIDA, “Ketamine—also known as K, Special K, or cat Valium—is a dissociative currently used as an anesthetic for humans as well as animals. Much of the ketamine sold on the street has been diverted from veterinary offices. Although it is manufactured as an injectable liquid, ketamine is generally evaporated to form a powder that is snorted or compressed into pills for illicit use…” (NIDA).

Is the new club drug called Calvin Klein dangerous?

Cocaine is considered a stimulant drug, and when added to ketamine, likely increases the effect of the Ketamine. Historically, cocaine has been mixed with many other drugs to enhance their effects. It is commonly mixed with heroin, methamphetamine, and alcohol. Tsukanova was a victim of the lethal effects of both drugs. The New York Post reported that her father, Igor Tsukanova, said his daughter was a “smart girl, and she made one bad choice.” (NY Post).

The CK drug is a popular club drug, and like other club drugs, may continue to take lives as it continues to be sold. The DEA currently does not acknowledge the drug cocktail CK as a specific drug type but does reference cocaine and ketamine in their drug schedules. The DEA classifies drugs according to how dangerous they are:

“Drugs, substances, and certain chemicals used to make drugs are classified into five (5) distinct categories or schedules depending upon the drug’s acceptable medical use and the drug’s abuse or dependency potential… the abuse rate is a determinate factor in the scheduling of the drug; for example, Schedule I drugs have a high potential for abuse and the potential to create severe psychological and physical dependence.” (DEA).

Currently, Cocaine is listed with the DEA as a schedule II drug and Ketamine a schedule III.

The fact that a young violinist died accidentally from the mixture of cocaine and ketamine is tragic. Although most experiences with dangerous drugs do not end well, cases like this are very saddening and force us to examine what our younger generations are doing when they get together. Becoming involved and educated about the types of drugs that are available in clubs and on the street is a starting point. Additionally, adults must look for warning signs and behaviors that indicate drug use and abuse, as well as supporting laws that will limit the accessibility of these drugs to be bought over the web and by illegal prescription as in the case of ketamine.

If you or a loved one are affected by addiction, Garden State Treatment Center is here to help. Our solution-focused addiction treatment programs get to the underlying causes of substance abuse. We provide personalized treatment plans that are tailored to the unique situation of each patient. Contact us around the clock for confidential help and don’t delay in reaching out.

Published on: 2019-07-16
Updated on: 2024-12-22

Addiction Recovery Quotes

15 Motivational Quotes About Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a condition with far-reaching consequences. Families are torn apart, and trust is often broken. Not only the addicted individual but also friends and family suffer because of the actions of those struggling. The good news is that many addicts have been able to turn their lives around and begin a life of recovery.

If you or a loved one are faced with addiction, know that there is hope beyond the dark tunnel. It all comes from making the right decisions and sticking with them regardless of the difficulties that come along in the journey. The following addiction recovery quotes have inspired many to reach out for much-needed treatment. Hopefully, it will help you do the same.

garden state treatment center

The best idea and the best expression of it amount to nothing without action to back them up. – Unknown

Wishing for recovery isn’t enough. No matter how good your intentions are, they amount to nothing if you fail to take the necessary steps to make them happen. Take the first step by accepting help from an addiction treatment program.

Recovery is hard. Regret is harder. – Brittany Burgunder

You may experience painful withdrawal symptoms and relapse while in recovery. However, they are nothing compared to the regret you will feel for not seeking help sooner.

One small step is worth more than a thousand steps planned. – Unknown

Don’t keep delaying the act of asking for help. Finding the courage to speak with an addiction professional may be the first most significant step on your journey to recovery.

Believe you can and you are halfway there. – Theodore Roosevelt

You have to trust that full recovery is possible for you. With the right mindset, you can overcome the worst of addiction.

Great acts are made up of small deeds. – Lao Tzu

Successfully breaking free from addiction requires taking it one step at a time. You don’t have to get it right immediately.

Courage isn’t having the strength to go on – it is going on when you don’t have strength. – Napoléon Bonaparte

Even at your lowest point of discouragement, you can still find the strength to overcome substance abuse as long as you take actionable steps to achieve this goal.

Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in. – Napoleon Bonaparte

It is essential that you carefully plan your recovery program with family, friends, and therapists. However, no good can be accomplished unless you show up for your appointments and counseling sessions.

A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault. – John Henry Newman

Fear of failure often holds people back from taking action at the right time. Failing is a good thing because it allows you to learn from your mistakes. It allows for improvements over your past actions. Do not let fear of relapse prevent you from entering the world of recovery.

Don’t let the past steal your present. – Terri Guillemets

The past is not always an indication of your future. Do not engross yourself in grief and shame over past deeds. Forgive yourself and move on.

He conquers who endures. – Persius

The path to recovery isn’t a sprint; instead, it is an endurance race with many hurdles to overcome. You must be prepared to face the many challenges associated with your recovery program.

People become attached to their burdens sometimes more than the burdens are attached to them. – George Bernard Shaw

You must forgive yourself and leave the guilt and shame behind you. Don’t go about carrying your past mistakes as a burden on your shoulders. Make the necessary amends and push forward.

Experience is not what happens to you, it is what you do with what happens to you. – Aldous Huxley

Even if you have experienced several relapses, the struggle is not over yet. It is helpful to learn why, where, and how they occurred never happen again.

My life has been full of terrible misfortunes most of which never happened. – Michel de Montaigne

Sometimes our greatest fears are only in our imagination, which tends to hold us back. Reality isn’t always as bad as we expect it to be.

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mistakes are bound to happen. Everyone makes them. Every time you experience a relapse, tell yourself it is not over yet. Pick yourself up and try one more time.

Even in the midst of devastation, something within us always points the way to freedom. – Sharon Salzberg

No matter how far gone you are on the path of addiction; there is always an inner voice telling you to find relief by changing your habits. You were not born to be enslaved by drugs or alcohol.

Inspire Yourself With Addiction Recovery Quotes

Breaking free from alcohol and drug abuse is not an attempt at achieving the impossible. It is the direct opposite. Millions of people have successfully reclaimed their lives after a long downward spiral on the destructive path of substance abuse. We hope that these motivational addiction recovery quotes will give you the courage to begin your journey towards lasting recovery.

If you are already under the guidance and support of professional help, we sincerely encourage these addiction recovery quotes to reinforce your determination to stay in recovery and experience the happiness that comes from living a life of sobriety once again. As one of the premier addiction rehab centers in the country, Garden State Treatment Center is available to assist you every step of the way.

Published on: 2019-01-29
Updated on: 2024-12-22